GREENSBORO, N.C. — A Greensboro neighborhood is encouraging unity through a public portrait project.

"Westerwood in Quarantine" documents dozens of families' experiences in quarantine.

It includes more than 50 families, that range from young families, to older couples, and singles who endured months of isolation.

Betsy Blake, the project's photographer, says she believes it's a small representation of what the entire country is going through, and she hopes her photos will spark connections during this time.

“We’re so withdrawn from each other, our faces are covered, we’re keeping distance," says Blake. "Every person is going through their own unique experience and a lot of people were having challenges, but a lot of people were having silver linings as well.”

Ryan Grunz, a neighbor that participated in the portrait project, said “I hope they see the resilience of a community tested by something that no one’s been tested by in this lifetime.”

A total of 38 portraits cover a half mile stretch on Greensboro's downtown greenway.

You can find the more than 50 families' portraits and back stories in an online e-book here.