GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C.-- Starting this week, Guilford County firefighters will work 24-hour shifts. They are stationed in Summerfield, and will work 24 hours on, 48 hours off.

Before, they were working twelve hour shifts from seven a.m. to seven p.m.

  • Guilford County firefighters will now work 24-hour shifts instead of 12.
  • The new schedule means extra man power fighting fires, and quicker response time.
  • The new schedule also means firefighters get to spend more time with their families and gives them improved quality of life.

The extra staffing means more people fighting fires and helping in crashes and swift water rescues.

"This truck behind me is now staffed 24-hours a day. A minimum of three people are on that truck,” said Guilford County Emergency Services Fire Marshal Stephen Thomas. “So any given time in a 24-hour day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, three more people are coming."

That also means quicker response times for you. Prior to this week, after seven p.m., they would have to call other stations.

"The others are coming from the Southeast part of the county, but that's a 10-minute ride up here. So these guys are right here. It's a four-minute ride, it's a five-minute ride, it's a six-minute ride, three extra people are on scene with you. So we're just here to supplement the county fire resources,” Thomas explained.

This new schedule is not only good for neighbors who are having an emergency. The firefighters tell Spectrum News the new schedule is also good for them.

"It makes it easier,” said Guilford County Emergency Services Fire Captain Pete Inman. “So it makes home life better as far as you're able to be with your family more, and you're not traveling as much."

Inman said before this new schedule, they would end a shift, drive home, sleep and turn around to do it again, leaving hardly any personal time. Now, after 24 hours of work, they get two days to spend with family. Plus, it's now safer to fight fires with extra people.