GREENSBORO - Guilford County Schools’ new superintendent was sworn into office Monday.
Sharon Contreras started her new job with GCS by getting to know students and staff, touring several schools, construction sites, and support facilities.
"It is a great day to be an educator and I am just so excited to be here," said Contreras.
Contreras has a background of about 25 years in education and most recently served as the superintendent for Syracuse City Schools in New York.
"I am not here to fix the system, this is a great system that will become even greater because of our work together as a community," said Contreras.
Contreras said making the move to GCS was an easy decision.
"You have a very good reputation, you are doing great things, and your philosophy is aligned with my own about how to educate children."
Marcus Gause, the principal at the Middle College at NC A&T, said he looks forward to working with Contreras and thinks she'll be a good addition to Guilford county.
"I think one of the most important pieces is having a listening ear and it looks as if from just her initial impressions that she is willing to listen," said Gause.
That is what she set out to do on her first day on the job.
"One of the comments she made to the students earlier was that we will go to the end of the earth to see you and I think it's important to have that type of heart and for education that is something that's extremely inspiring to me," said Gause.
The first day of school for students is Monday, August 29th.