CLAY, N.Y. -- It's already a summertime hotspot, but now Sharkey's Bar and Grill owner Jim Nichols is looking to encourage competition all year-round.

"Our athletes are just as good as anywhere else in the country, but we're missing the opportunity to train them and give them opportunities to play at the next level,” said Jim Nichols, Sharkey’s Bar and Grill owner.

Nichols is proposing a 110,000 square foot, $7 million indoor recreation facility right next door to his restaurant.

The facility would feature two indoor sand volleyball courts along with five hardwood basketball courts that can be used for volleyball, indoor field hockey and inline hockey.

"All these people that have come to me don't have the space available,” said Nichols. “It's not like I'm trying to duplicate something or add to it, there really is nothing like that."

Nichols says the facility will continue the recreation leagues for all ages that are so popular in the summer. He's also hoping it can be a tournament destination for teams across Upstate New York and Pennsylvania.

"All of those teams from the other areas would have to come here and they'd be staying in our hotels and dining and spending money in our area," Nichols said. "Instead of us leaving the area and spending it in some other area."

The courts at Sharkey’s are packed every night as more than 1,000 people come out to play in the spring, summer and even into the fall and for many regulars, they’d like to keep that rally going into the winter.

"You know in Syracuse we've got a long winter and a short volleyball season in the summer,” said Rob Brown, a Sharkey’s volleyball league regular.

"There's just going to be good competition all year round, instead of just in the summer,” said Joshua Cloute, another volleyball player. “It's already such a good atmosphere to be around.”

Nichols is hoping to have the facility open by November of 2017, but he's still securing funding for the project. The project is currently under review by the Town of Clay. However, Salina officials also need to approve the plans as part of the facility's parking lot will be in that town.