GREENSBORO—Economic development leaders are taking an artistic approach to attracting new businesses and more visitors to downtown Greensboro.

It’s a project aimed at doing more than just turning heads.

Internationally recognized artist Francisco Diaz is using his talents to put some flair from his native Argentina into downtown Greensboro!

Our goal is to continue to think of ways to make our city beautiful, to make it top of mind, to make it artistic,” said Downtown Greensboro, Incorporated president Zack Matheny. “Art is one, events are another. We want to get people to come downtown and say 'downtown Greensboro is really neat.'"

Diaz's new mural on West McGee Street is part of DGI’s initiative, no blank walls.

Lauri and Bruce Lipsey own Iris West jewelry store right next to the project.

"We're really excited to see the building spruced up a bit,” Laurie Lipsey said. “Tthe mural that's being done, every day it gets more beautiful."

Matheny wants to turn the mural in progress into an even larger attraction. He's hoping the organization will sponsor a downtown mural scagenger hunt.

"With the scavenger hunt, people would find the mural, what's the name of the mural,” he explained. “It gets people interactive downtown to visit parts that maybe they wouldn't have in the past."

The gial is also to generate dollars for businesses like the Lipsey's, who can't wait to see the finished product.

"We see it as a great opportunity for people to come downtown and come and find our store,” Lipsey said. “We are new here, and what a great introduction to Greensboro for us."

DGI is also putting out the call for local artists to get involved with the mural proejct.