VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — Motorist Mary Collins says the busy U.S. Highway 17 and State Road 40 intersection in Barberville, connecting Daytona Beach and Ocala, needs a left turn signal for drivers heading south, and state officials say they plan to help make that area safer.

What You Need To Know

  • Mary Collins says a turn arrow is needed at the traffic signal at US-17 and State Road-40 in Barberville

  • Collins says it’s challenging to turn left from US-17 southbound to SR-40 eastbound

  • FDOT plans a resurfacing project and says it intends to add a left turn arrow at the signal for southbound drivers

  • Construction should wrap up later this year

She says there is no turn left signal to help drivers traveling south on U.S. 17 to get through the intersection.

Collins says she had a near-miss at the intersection when teaching her granddaughter how to drive.

“We were sitting in line like we are now,” she recounted. “And when the light turned green for the people to go straight, (my granddaughter) just thought that she could follow the car in front of her and turn. And when she started to turn, she saw the vehicle coming right at us.”

Thankfully, Collins and her granddaughter were able to avoid a crash.

But she says a dedicated left turn arrow is needed for southbound US-17 drivers, looking to travel eastbound on State Road 40. She says that would eliminate the need to try to turn left in between oncoming traffic.

“Anywhere you go, you have to go through the intersection,” Collins says.

Northbound US-17 drivers do have a left turn arrow.

The Florida Department of Transportation says it plans to add one for southbound US-17. Construction is expected to begin this spring to resurface State Road 40, and as part of that project, a left turn arrow on the traffic signal is planned to be installed.

“It would make such a big difference for people turning to be able to turn safely,” Collins says.

Construction on the $4.4 million project should wrap up later this year.

If you have a traffic trouble spot that needs to be addressed, fill out the Traffic Inbox form online.