ST. LOUIS—New U.S. Census Bureau report shows St. Louis city is a top spot for same-sex couples to live.

The data not only looked at where the most same-sex couples lived, but where they were concentrated. St. Louis was in the top ten areas when it came to the concentration of both male and female same-sex couples.

What You Need To Know

  • St. Louis city has the fifth highest share of male-to-male couple households in the country, making up 3.3% of the 144,870 coupled households in the city, according to U.S. Census data

  • Female-to female households represent 2.4% of city households, coming in 7th in the country

  • St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones tweeted Thursday that she is "proud to see that so many members of the LGBTQIA+ community feel safe and welcome in St. Louis City. You have a continued ally in City Hall."

  • James Lewis is the vice president of Team St. Louis, tells Spectrum News St. Louis has a thriving LGBTQ+ community and the city has made significant strides in becoming a more inclusive and LGBTQ+ friendly city

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones tweeted Thursday that she is "proud to see that so many members of the LGBTQIA+ community feel safe and welcome in St. Louis City. You have a continued ally in City Hall."

St. Louis city has the fifth highest share of male-to-male couple households in the country, making up 3.3% of the 144,870 coupled households in the city, according to the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau data.  Female-to female households represent 2.4% of city households, coming in 7th in the country.

When it comes to sheer numbers, Los Angeles was the top spot to find same-sex households for males and females.

While the top 10 cities with the highest number of male and female same-sex couples were similar, the data supports that gay male couples gravitated toward big cities on the U.S. coasts, while lesbian couples tend to reside in smaller towns and cities.

James Lewis is the vice president of Team St. Louis, an LGBTQ+ sports club that was formed the early 1980s. He tells Spectrum News St. Louis has a thriving LGBTQ+ community and the city has made significant strides in becoming a more inclusive and LGBTQ+ friendly city. 

"Saint Louis has improved its standing in national LGBTQ+ rankings due to progressive local government actions, such as anti-discrimination protections and support for LGBTQ+ youth. This evolving landscape demonstrates the city’s dedication to inclusivity, making it an increasingly attractive destination for LGBTQ+ individuals and families," Lewis said.

He adds that the city supports numerous events and organizations that work to advance equality and acceptance like Team Saint Louis and PrideFest. Lewis pointed out that the St. Louis PrideFest is one of the largest in the Midwest.

When it comes to local businesses and community groups, Lewis says many have shown a strong commitment to fostering a welcoming environment by dopting inclusive policies.