BELLEVILLE, IL – One of Illinois’s fastest growing sports is beginning it’s inaugural season as an Illinois High School Association (IHSA) recognized sport. As the season kicks off, IHSA reports 170 teams have joined in. The teams do have a two-week drop window if they weren’t able to garner enough players but IHSA doesn’t anticipate that with the growth they’ve seen. 

“The way this sport has grown, and how quickly it has grown, is unprecedented,” said Matt Troha the Assistant Executive Director for IHSA, “

Troha said many sports like lacrosse, boys volleyball, etc “tend to be mainly Chicagoland,” but they’re seeing a lot of mid-size schools that are expecting to have a flag football team in years to come.

Right now flag football for IHSA is girls only, but IHSA does have an emerging sports list for schools to inform IHSA if they have a sport they’re offering and building that IHSA doesn’t have a state tournament for. 

The first official game of the flag football season was McHenry high school against Gulford high school in Rockford. Gulford won 26-6. 

Locally, rivals Belleville East and Belleville West’s first game is to be played against each other on August 29. 

“I am so excited to be a part of this. It’s truly an honor,” said an amped up Belleville East head coach Doug Zerjal, “so many of them love football, and this is a chance to play on their own stage. I truly am proud and excited the most for them.”

Zerjal believes opening up this new program against their cross-town rival makes it even more special. “I just can’t wait. I grew up in this area, and I love football. This is one of the classic rivalries in the Metro East.”

He echoed Troha’s beliefs of the sport will continue to grow and become a “mainstay in the fall for many schools.” 

As to what sets flag football apart from regular football, Zerjal points to fewer people on the field which benefits the offense. “It’s a seven versus seven game in Illinois on a full size field. The offenses should have a lot of room to work and score points. It’s a wide open style.”

Belleville East Lancers have 24 players on the varsity roster with hopes of adding a JV team in the future. Zerjal’s vision for the program is having around 40 players every year in the future. 

Spectrum News also reached out to Belleville West's head coach but have yet to hear back.