ST. LOUIS — A new nonprofit is working to revitalize St. Louis City neighborhoods that are along the northern part of the Brickline Greenway project.

The Brickline Greenway project is 10 miles of greenway with plans to link 14 St. Louis City neighborhoods and connect Forest Park, the Gateway Arch National Park, Fairground Park and Tower Grove Park, in addition to destinations in between.

The Brickline North Community Development Corporation (BNCDC) has plans to repopulate and grow Covenant Blu-Grand Center, Jeff-Vander-Lou and St. Louis Place neighborhoods, according to T. Christopher Peoples, director of Equity and Economic Impact for Great Rivers Greenway.

Through collaborative partnerships, the BNCDC will provide public safety initiatives such as street lights and security cameras; build neighborhood capacity; revitalize areas by developing capital improvement and infrastructure projects; offer support for small businesses and nonprofits; and create community engagement and advocacy.

“I can’t wait to see these underserved communities get those gaps in resources filled,” Peoples said.  

The nonprofit will operate in partnership with neighborhood organizations, neighboring CDCs, St. Louis Development Corporation and individual stakeholders, according to Peoples.

He is looking forward to seeing the neighborhoods grow in population, business expanding and spaces being reactivated.

The BNCDC was the result after six years of civic engagement with neighbors, community leaders and businesses, according to Peoples.

“I’ve spent the last two years listening and collaborating, and now we’ve come together to create this CDC as a vehicle to both implement and amplify efforts happening in these three neighborhoods, particularly when no other tool is available,” he said.

There also will be a committee designed for each neighborhood to develop programming. For those who want to become involved can contact their neighborhood associations, Peoples said.

Below are the founding steering committee members who helped establish the governance and programming:

• Gwen Chambers, St. Louis Place resident

• Lois Conley, Griot Museum of Black History

• Audrey Ellermann, Covenant-Blu Grand Center resident & neighborhood assoc. president

• Russell Houston, St. Louis Place resident

• Darby Latham, St. Louis Place resident (Vector Communications)

• Jeremy Main, Jeff-Vander-Lou resident (Mission: St. Louis)

• Matt Oldani, Deaconess Foundation

• Tom Pickel, retired CDC director• Tim Tucker, Real Estate and Community Development Consultant

• Daphne Redding, St. Louis Place resident

• Constance Siu, North Newstead Association