ST. LOUIS — Food City, an initiative for creating a more inclusive and sustainable food ecosystem in the St. Louis region, marked its one-year anniversary earlier this month, and recently debuted a podcast focused on food insecurity.

The “Food for All Interview Series” explores community-led solutions to some of the critical issues such as equitable access to nutritious food, according to Darren Jackson, executive operations director of Serving Our Communities Foundation.

“We’re healing people and we’re building community because that’s what food does, bring people to the table,” podcast host Sara Bannoura said.

The first episode highlights FoodCorps, a nonprofit that provides food education to children and nourishing food to schools.

Bannoura chats with president Dr. Robert Harvey about the work of the organization and his personal journey.

“We've been able to see some really incredible models that he uses, outlined as case studies, for how we can see a change,” Jackson said.

Being able to afford healthy and nutritious food is frequently a barrier for people, Bannoura said.

“What the body needs the most is oftentimes the most expensive,” she said. “And the worst food for the body is the most affordable and is the most abundant in our neighborhoods. You see it everywhere.”

In the second episode, Bannoura sat down with St. Louis City resident Leah Lee who shares her story of growing up without fresh produce, in addition to her work on changing the systemic problem.

“She tells us that the first time she ever had a quality vegetable was when she was in her 40s, when she learned how to grow her own food. And that is a crime on humanity,” Bannoura said.

“The podcast allows the listener to really put themselves in the shoes of the people who were forced to live in these conditions.”

Each episode includes a downloadable tool kit with show notes, talking points, regional and national statistics and information, proposed solutions and ways to take action.

“We want to advocate for nutritious food for all of St. Louis,” Jackson said. “Every neighborhood deserves access to nutritious food options.”

Food City is a program by the Serving Our Communities Foundation that supports local food entrepreneurs, farmers, policy and direct service organizations, those wanting to build a career in food and people who want access to fresh food.

To learn more and listen to the podcast, visit Food City’s website.