CHESTERFIELD, MO – Tentatively, on October 15, 2024, bulldozers will arrive at Chesterfield Mall to begin the process of removing the mall, making way for the Staenberg Group to build the Downtown Chesterfield redevelopment.

“The actual date of the demolition will be dependent on when a grading permit via the City and the demo permit via St. Louis county have been approved,” said Alyssa Ahner, senior planner for the City of Chesterfield. “The grading permit is currently in the works but it is possible that it could align with an October date.”

She said the city is currently reviewing the concept plan which lays out the framework for the development as a whole. In the past, this type of plan has a three-to-four-month review timeline. But this time, more will be asked of the developer. They’ll be expected to “submit improvement plans for road way construction in addition to a plat to establish new legal lots.”

One hurdle removed is the Dillard's lawsuit.

"The Staenberg Group and the City of Chesterfield have successfully reached an agreement with Dillard’s to dismiss the lawsuit," said a media alert from the Staenberg Group. "Dillard’s has committed to stay and reopen as part of the exciting new Downtown Chesterfield redevelopment. The dismissal of the Dillard’s lawsuit clears the way for this extensive project to proceed without any additional legal delays."

The new development will have a a 3.5 acre central park, grocery, retail, street parking for 450 cars, a 1.25 mile trail, townhomes, office space, and potential for expansion.

Downtown Chesterfield will offer a "walkable, safe, and ecologically sustainable urban district that gives priority to the pedestrian over the automobile. With over 25% of the site dedicated to public plazas, parks, sidewalks, trails, and rain gardens thereby reducing the heat island effect of the development and ensuring its legacy as a new vision for Downtown Chesterfield," the website says.

Learn more about the project here.