Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has filed a lawsuit against the state of New York, claiming it violated Missourians first amendment rights.

Bailey alleges New York undermined former President Donald Trump’s ability to campaign for presidency with prosecution, gag orders, and sentencing of Trump.

"Right now, Missouri has a huge problem with New York. Instead of letting presidential candidates campaign on their own merits, radical progressives in New York are trying to rig the 2024 election by waging a direct attack on our democratic process,” said Attorney General Bailey in a press release. “I will not sit idly by while Soros-backed prosecutors hold Missouri voters hostage in this presidential election. I am filing suit to ensure every Missourian can exercise their right to hear from and vote for their preferred presidential candidate.” 

Bailey’s lawsuit said New York’s actions detest Missourians’ ability to hear from and cast a fully informed vote for president mere months before the election.

He is asking the Supreme Court to halt any further action in the New York case until after the presidential election.