ST. LOUIS—Scores of people turned out Friday to pay respects to a Marine from St. Charles County who made his final homecoming.

Sgt. Colin Arslanbas died April 18 in a high altitude training accident near Camp Lejeune.

Arslanbas was a 2019 graduate of Fort Zumwalt West High School.

His remains arrived at St. Louis Lambert International Airport around 12 p.m. Dozens of Patriot Guard riders and police officers from around the region provided an escort Friday afternoon to Baue Funeral Home in St. Charles. 

Westbound Interstate 70 was closed as the procession made its way west.

"We’re here because we want to be and honor the person we’re here for," said Mike Jenkins, a Patriot Guard Ride Captain, who has now been part of more than 500 processions.

Arslanbas is survived by his wife Gracie; his mother, Nicole; his father, Evren; his brother, Cole; his sister, Caroline and other family. A private funeral and burial is planned.