WASHINGTON, D.C.– Senator Roy Blunt gave his final speech on the Senate floor this afternoon, thanking Missouri voters, his family, staff, fellow lawmakers and more for his 26 years in office.

Sen. Blunt, who announced he was retiring two years ago, spoke for 22 minutes before getting a standing round of applause from his colleagues. 

He also spent a lot of that time discussing how lawmakers on both sides of the aisle should work together. 

“You don’t have to agree on everything to work together,” said Sen. Blunt. He added if you are successful at it, you may even do it again. 

Sen. Blunt first served as the Missouri Secretary of State before being elected as a U.S. Representative for Missouri’s 7th Congressional District. In 2010, he was elected U.S. Senator.  

He highlighted legislation he was proud of including his work on the Community Behavioral Health Centers and also his role in the last two inaugurations. 

Sen. Blunt even mentioned he had to help make a security decision about releasing a pet owl in the Russell Courtyard on Capitol Hill so that owl would have a home. 

He ended his farewell speech with these parting words, “What we do here is more important than who we are. Thanks for letting had me do part of it with you.”