BANGOR — Frigid temperatures have persisted across Maine for weeks now.

According to Spectrum News meteorologists, the cold snap is being caused by masses of arctic air being pushed southward.

“We’ve kind of been in a pattern this winter across the eastern half of the United States where we’re getting the jet stream pushing to the south and it’s allowing these arctic air masses to push south across the entire eastern seaboard, including Maine, and that’s why we’re getting these shots of cold air,” said Spectrum News Meteorologist Scott Dean.

Coupled with strong winds following winter storms, wind chills can drop below zero.

“On the backside of these storms, we’ve had very strong winds,” said Dean. “And those winds combined with the cold temperatures have created these wind chills that are below zero. So, it’s certainly feeling very much like winter.”

While this kind of weather pattern can be a nuisance for some Mainers, it can become dangerous for Maine’s unhoused population and those without access to heat.

And, as Spectrum News reported in January, the cold can also be difficult on the elderly.

As bitter temperatures persist, Bangor Area Homeless Shelter Executive Director Boyd Kronholm said the city’s various warming shelters are more important than ever.

“For a lot of the folks who are living unhoused in the summertime and even spring and fall, it’s livable. When the temperatures get down to a certain point, and couple that with this wind chill, it makes it deadly to sleep outside,” said Kronholm.

Snow frozen to the railing of bridge fencing along the Kenduskeag Stream in Bangor. (Spectrum News/David Ledford)
Snow frozen to the railing of bridge fencing along the Kenduskeag Stream in Bangor. (Spectrum News/David Ledford)

In recent years, Kronholm said he’s seen the need for a warm place to stay during the winter increase in the Bangor area.

“When we first opened our warming center, we had about two dozen people who were living outside, so we opened this up for them to get warm. Now, we have a lot more because we have two other warming centers [in Bangor] and [the city’s] shelters are full,” said Kronholm. “The number of people who are living outside has grown in the last seven years.”

So far this winter, Kronholm said the shelter’s warming center has luckily had enough room to accommodate people seeking shelter from the cold. 

And, while some warming centers have a curfew for guests, Kronholm said that isn’t the case for the shelter’s center.

“People are thankful that we’re here. The warming center that we have set up, people can come and go,” said Kronholm. “So, if someone is unable to stay put and needs to be up and moving around, they can leave for a while and come back.”

 However, he said they often struggle with keeping the center staffed and quickly go through essential items like hand warmers, winter hats and gloves.

 Kronholm said the best way the community can help with this is by donating and volunteering.

To find a warming shelter near you, visit the Maine Emergency Management Agency’s website.