The state unemployment rate and nonfarm jobs market have changed little in the past few months, and that trend continued through August, according to the Maine Department of Labor.

The department’s latest report, released today, indicated the state unemployment rate remained at 2.8%, where it has been for the past three months. It has dropped 0.3% compared to the period from March through May.

According to the report, the unemployment rate has remained below 4% for the past 33 months, which is the second longest period it has remained that low in history.

The number of nonfarm jobs in the state also remained stable in August, up by 400 to 656,600. The figure represents a steady pattern that has existed throughout 2024, the report’s authors wrote.

According to early, non-seasonably adjusted data, unemployment broken down by county showed the highest rate, at 3.8%, in Piscataquis County. Three counties – Cumberland, Sagadahoc and Hancock – tied for the lowest rate of 2.2%.

Regionally, the report showed New England had an overall unemployment rate of 3.5% in August. Nationally, the rate for August was 4.2%.