Gov. Janet Mills announced today that officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency have arrived in Maine to assess the damage done by the Dec. 18, 2023 storm.

“FEMA’s assessment will be critical to unlocking federal funds to help Maine communities clean up and rebuild after last month’s devastating storm,” Mills said in a statement. “I continue to urge impacted Maine people to report any property damage to 211 to help State of Maine and federal officials measure the full impact of the storm and help us access federal benefits.”

The assessment, according to Mills, may prompt President Joe Biden to declare a disaster in Maine, thus unlocking the funds.

The storm brought torrential rains and high wind, downing hundreds of trees statewide and knocking out power to more than half a million people. The rains caused major rivers to swell, causing localized flooding in some severe cases.

In response, the Mills Administration the Maine Flood Resources and Assistance Hub. The site offers information, resources and other assistance to those affected by the floods.