Maine’s governor is the lowest paid chief executive in the country, something two lawmakers are hoping to change.

At $70,000 a year, the state’s chief executive ranks last on the list of the 50 states. The next lowest paid governor is Colorado at $92,700. New York takes the prize for the highest paid governor at $225,000 a year.

“It’s bugged me forever that Maine is, by a significant amount, the lowest paid governor’s salary in the 50 states,” said Rep. William Bridgeo (D-Augusta).

Bridgeo, a former long-time Augusta city manager, asked Rep. Sawin Millett (R-Waterford), to co-sponsor the bill. They decided to propose an increase to $125,000 a year, plus a $40,000 expense allowance.

“It’s just long overdue,” Bridgeo said.

The bill would not kick-in until current Gov. Janet Mills, a Democrat, leaves office in January 2027. Her spokesman did not respond to requests for comment on whether she supports the legislation.

However, former Gov. Paul LePage, a Republican, sent a statement through a spokesman indicating his support for an increase.

“Anything less than $150,000 wouldn’t be worth the fight,” LePage said. “Inflation warrants it, especially if we want good people to run.”

Millett said the $70,000 per year salary hasn’t changed since 1987. And prior to that, it was $35,000 a year.

“I thought it’s time to have this discussion again,” he said. “Maybe it will be more of an attraction to those who might be in successful careers currently to think about running for governor.”

Another issue is that all of the governor’s cabinet members make well more than the governor, Millett said.

Most commissioners make about $146,000 a year, with the Department of Health and Human Services leader coming in at $188,000, according to the Office of the State Controller.

The Riverview Psychiatric Center superintendent makes nearly $171,000 a year and the University of Maine Chancellor makes $350,000 a year.

Bridgeo said even if the state raises the pay of the future governor to $125,000 a year, chief executives in 37 states will still be paid more than the governor of Maine, according to 2022 statistics.

“I know that’s not why people run for that office,” Bridgeo said. “But just because you can get away with it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do.”

The bill, LD 165, will get a public hearing before the Legislature’s State and Local Government Committee in the coming weeks.