A Maine child has died following a positive test for influenza-A, the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.
It’s the first pediatric influenza-associated death of the 2022-23 flu season. An influenza-associated death is when a person has symptoms with a positive influenza test and dies before recovering.
The CDC did not release details about the child’s age or hometown.
The disclosure comes a day after the CDC released new figures that show 20 Mainers have died from the disease since the season began Oct. 3.
Hospitalizations continue to climb too, with 133 reported the week of Dec. 17, bringing the total for the season to 339.
There have been just over 9,000 positive tests for influenza since the season began.
Parents should seek immediate care if their child has any of these symptoms:
Difficulty or changes in breathing;
Bluish lips or face;
Chest pain;
Not alert nor interacting when awake;
Fever above 104 degrees;
Fever or cough that improves but then returns or worsens;
Worsening of chronic medical conditions.
The CDC recommends vaccination for everyone ages six months and older.
Early data suggests that this year’s flu vaccine is a good match for the virus that’s currently circulating, according to the CDC.