More Mainers have requested absentee ballots so far this year than in 2018, the last comparable election in which the governor’s race led the November ballot.

So far, 211,359 absentee ballot requests have been submitted statewide, compared to 196,710 in 2018, according to the Secretary of State’s Office.

Article - Your Voter Guide

And, there are still three days for voters to request an absentee ballot before the Nov. 8 election.

“No excuse absentee voting is a great option for many people, whether they’re busy and need the flexibility it provides, whether they prefer the privacy of voting at home, or whether they’re enthusiastic and want to cast their vote as soon as possible,” Secretary of State Shenna Bellows said in a statement.

Of the ballots requested, 107,664 are for Democrats, 49,707 are unenrolled, 47,646 are Republicans, 6,202 are Green Independents and 140 are Libertarians. To date, 144,578 ballots have been returned and accepted by municipal clerks.

Absentee voting continues through Thursday. Check with your local municipality for the hours.

Polling places will be open for voting Nov. 8. While start times vary, all polls close at 8 p.m.

Voters will be asked to pick a member of Congress, a governor and all 186 members of the Maine House and Senate.