United Way of Androscoggin County is working to make sure every child in the area has what they need for their first day of school through its backpack program.

This year, the nonprofit provided more than 2,000 backpacks to schools across Androscoggin and Oxford counties.

About 16 % of children in Androscoggin and Oxford counties live in poverty, according to United Way Executive Director Joleen Bedard.

Lewiston children are the most likely in the state to be living in poverty, Bedard said.

“As adults, we need to be our kids’ cheerleaders,” said Bedard. “We need to let them know that they can succeed and that they have the tools in their toolbox to succeed. We need to make sure every kid has what they need to chase their dreams.”

Those who participate in the program receive backpacks full of items to help them through the school year, such as highlighters, pencils and folders.

“When I drop off the backpacks to the administrators, they’re always so delighted,” said Bedard. “Hearing from them about how the kids’ eyes glow seeing a new backpack, it makes me happy. I know I’m making a difference for them.”

“I cannot express the gratitude I have for the community to come and help us,” Bedard added. “Volunteers from our sponsors came out and packed all the bags with us. This is what we strive for at United Way, and I’m glad the city could make a difference for these kids.”