The state Department of Health announced that a child under the age of 18 died from influenza, marking the first pediatric death in Hawaii during the 2023-2024 influenza (or flu) season.

The child was an Oahu resident, but the DOH said it would not be releasing any other details in order to protect the privacy of the family, according to a news release. 

“We are always especially saddened to announce the death of a child in our community. Our thoughts and condolences are with the family at this difficult time,” said Dr. Kenneth Fink, Director of Health. “If you or your loved ones have not received the flu vaccine this season, I hope you will consider doing so.”

According to the DOH, there has been a rise in flu and RSV cases in recent weeks. This coincides with continued COVID-19 cases. In Hawaii, flu transmission is year round. 

The last pediatric death from influenza occurred in Hawaii in June 2023. During the previous flu season, Hawaii recorded four pediatric deaths. 

Dr. Sarah Kemble encouraged everyone six months and older to get a flu vaccination. Recent studies have shown the flu vaccine reduces the risk of severe diseases, emergency room visits, hospitalization and death, according to the DOH. The Centers for Disease Control provides a database to determine where to get a flu or COVID-19 vaccine. 

The DOH also recommends other precautionary measures to stop the spread of the disease, such as washing hands, staying home when sick, covering one’s mouth when coughing or sneezing, and wearing a mask.