WINSTON–SALEM ---With any change comes a few road blocks.
"It's going to take awhile for me to get used to the buses that I'm suppose to catch," said bus rider, Jerri Jenkins. "I can make it to work but getting off work I'm kind of stuck," said Warren Young.
These two bus riders, like most that came to the transporation center in Winston-Salem were confused and lost as the New Year brought in new routes.
"We anticipated there would be quite a few questions so we have a lot of staff down here," said general manager, Art Barnes.
Staff are directing passengers on how to get around the 30 new day routes and 16 new night routes.
"We have routes that are circulated that go around neighborhoods and connect with routes that are coming downtown," Barnes said.
With the new changes what was once a one bus trip for Jerri Jenkins now takes several. "Get on 87. Get a transfer,” Jenkins describes her new route. “Go all the way to Walmart and then get on 97. It's very complicated."
Barnes says that change is because the routes now go towards more traveled locations, "like hospitals, shopping malls, residential areas.”
It's a plan they’ve worked on for years. To get the best routes for the most people. "Over time there has been research,” Barnes explains. “There has been communication with our passengers. There has been about 30 public meetings."
Jenkins didn't go to those meetings but she knew change was coming.
"It's just complicated for right now but i think everything will turn out"
She's seeing the positive out of the change.