When you were growing up, if you heard your local meteorologist forecasting a lot of snow for the next day, did you ever try to perform a snow ritual the night before to help make a snow day happen? Apparently, it’s a thing.

What You Need To Know

  • Kids still believe in these snow superstitions

  • Snow rituals are performed for good luck to get school canceled

  • There are several different ways kids try to manifest a snow day

I was hanging out with my friends the night before we were supposed to get a lot of snow. We were reminiscing over how excited we’d get growing up for the potential of a snow day.

And then one of my friends mentioned that the night before a big forecasted snow event, they’d put ice cubes in the toilet for good luck. I was astonished. I’d never heard of this before. And then one of my other friends said, “oh yeah, I would wear my pajamas inside out to manifest a snow day.”

So it got me thinking, what kinds of snow day rituals were out there? According to Johns Hopkins University, here’s a list of all the things kids would do to bring luck to getting a snow day:

  1. Flush ice cubes down your toilet
  2. Wear your pajamas inside out *and backwards*
  3. Put a spoon under your pillow
  4. Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand
  5. Yell "snow day" into the freezer
  6. Eat ice cream the night before

Did you ever try one of these? Or maybe you had a tradition of your own? We’d love to hear from you about your snow stories. Tag us on social media with one of your snow day memories.

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