According to the National Weather Service (NWS) Storm Data, from 2009 to 2018, the United States had an average of 27 lightning fatalities. Within that time frame, lightning injured around 243 people. 

Being struck by lightning is traumatic in its own right, but these lighting survivors may also have to deal with long-term medical effects.

What You Need To Know

  • The odds of being struck by lightning are slim, but not zero

  • Lightning strike survivors may deal with long-term issues

  • There are support groups available for lightning strike survivors

Long-term lightning effects

For those who have been struck by lightning, the recovery period can vary. Some individuals may be in the hospital for a few days, but aside from minor injuries, they can go back to their normal life. For others, it's a much different process.

Several lightning strike survivors have shared their stories with the NWS. Since being struck by lightning, dozens of individuals report they have long-term health issues, ranging anywhere from a recurring headache to memory and hearing loss to even having seizures.

But one struggle that many of these survivors face after the incident is feelings of depression. For a lot of these survivors, they feel like many people don't know what they've gone through, and it may be hard for them to discuss their experience.

Fortunately, there are support groups available for those who've been struck by lightning.

Lightning support groups

Lightning Strike and Electrical Shock Survivors International (LS & ESSI) is a nonprofit support group that provides information and resources to survivors and their families, friends and caregivers.

This support group allows survivors to come together and be in a space where people understand their recovery journey. For many survivors, this gives them a chance to feel heard and understood. 

If you know of someone who would be interested in becoming a part of the group, you can either email, call 910-346-4708 or join their Facebook group.

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