RALEIGH, N.C. – As the American Heart Association celebrates a century of saving lives, this February it's focusing on CPR as the theme for American Heart Month.

What You Need To Know

  • February is American Heart Month

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States

  • Sarah Fedele with the American Heart Association shares tips on how to recognize symptoms of heart disease and how to protect your heart

Sarah Fedele with the American Heart Association says American Heart Month is about raising awareness and educating people about heart health.

“During our 100th anniversary, [we’re] about learning CPR. So, we call it our nation of lifesavers, and it's really encouraging everyone, whether you're a family, whether you're a company, to really just take the time to learn hands-on CPR,” Fedele said. “Because a lot of the lives that you may save is actually someone that's close to you, so, either a coworker or a family member.”

She says some of the common warning signs of heart disease include pressure, heaviness, or pain in the chest. But they can also include pain or numbness in the arms, nausea, extreme fatigue or shortness of breath.

The warning signs may be different in women, where they can also include random pain and general fatigue, according to Fedele.

To keep your ticker in top health, she recommends exercise, healthy eating, and knowing your blood cholesterol numbers, blood pressure and weight.

For more tips on how to keep your heart healthy, click here.