APEX, N.C. — When Sophia Mott is not maintaining a GPA of nearly 4.5, she’s involved in clubs and working on visual media projects. Mott is one of the High School Scholars for Spectrum News.

What You Need To Know

  •  Sophia Mott is one of the High School Scholars for Spectrum News

  •  Mott has a passion for being creative and loves to do visual art projects

  •  The senior has dreams of attending UNCW for their film program 

  • While she is in many clubs, her grades are a big importance to her 

“There are a lot of times when I had to stay up pretty late, you know to work on everything, to balance everything, in order to make sure I’m having the most fun I can have while also maintaining like good grades, taking AP courses and stuff like that,” Mott said. “And I think it takes a lot of discipline and determination, and to know that I want to have a really successful future so I want to work towards it while I can.”

Mott is a senior at Apex Friendship High School. One of the activities that takes up much of her time is filming content for her show, "The Sophia Show." The show highlights their school’s environment and allows Mott to put smiles on the faces of her classmates.

“It’s kind of like fulfilling a childhood dream because I’ve always loved talking in front of a camera and having this feels like it’s a combination of both my past and my future dreams kind of colliding,” Mott said.

Mott said she’s really passionate about being creative - it’s something that’s in her nature.

“I’ve been creative ever since the moment I was born I think in all aspects of art, like I love to sing even though I can’t really sing that well,” Mott said. “I love acting, I love visual arts, all sorts of things like that. And I also think I’m very determined and once I have my mind set on a project or a final product that I want to create you can’t stop me from finishing it.”

On top of trying to juggle her projects, Mott has other leadership roles. She’s a communications officer for the drama club and helps them make videos. She’s the student body historian for student council and the speech officer chair for speech and debate club.

With these accomplishments, a few educators nominated Mott to be one of the high school scholars for Spectrum News. Mott was chosen, and North Carolina Sen. Sydney Batch visited Apex Friendship High School to present her with the $1,000 scholarship.

After graduating high school this year, Sophia has dreams of going to the University of North Carolina Wilmington for their film program.

While Mott’s journey at Apex Friendship High School will come to a close soon, she said she will use what she’s learned to propel forward and reach new heights.

“I just think there’s so many amazing moments that are often overlooked in high school, so I’m just taking this time now to cherish them before they are all gone and I’m off on my own in the real world,” Mott said.