CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The war Russia launched in Ukraine is far from over. 

Medics on the front line of the war are in desperate need of medical evacuation vehicles. 

What You Need To Know

  • The war in Ukraine is far from over 

  • Medics on the front line are in need of evacuation vehicles 

  • North Carolina charities teamed up to host a fundraising event this Saturday 

  • The funds will be used to purchase vehicles for medics in Ukraine 

Two North Carolina charities are taking steps to purchase ambulances for Ukraine. 

Blue Team International (BTI) and The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA Charlotte) have come together with Cabarrus Brewing Company to launch the "Ambulances for Ukraine Fundraiser."

They aim to raise at least $30,000 to purchase five medical evacuation vehicles.

One of the leaders behind the fundraiser is BTI President Dave Kovalchick. 

Kovalchick works as a bartender at Cabarrus Brewing. 

Last year, he spent months traveling around the Ukraine border area helping with refugee shelters.

Kovalchick saw firsthand the struggles and challenges families and those on the front line are facing.

"The people are having to flee their homes at a moment's notice," Kovalchick said. "A lot of them have literally nothing. There were shelters with hundreds of people in it."

Seeing those images motivated him to support Ukraine every way he can, like Saturday's fundraiser event. 

In 2024, Kovalchick and members of his organization will be delivering the high-mobility trucks to areas hardest hit by the war.

"They're used vehicles we're modifying to become emergency evacuation vehicles and ambulances," Kovalchick said.

Kovalchick says there's a growing need for medics to have these ambulances in Ukraine. 

"They might use a vehicle to get some wounded troops out of there, and they might break an axle trying to get it out or damage the vehicle so bad just because the roads are in such bad condition," Kovalchick said. 

Kovalchick says it's important for people to come and support this fundraising initiative so medics receive the ambulances they need. 

"Keep making people aware there's still a lot going on over there, and they still need help," Kovalchick said. "That's one reason I want to go back. I don't want them to think America forgot about them."

The "Ambulances for Ukraine Fundraiser" will culminate at the Ukrainian Festival.

The events kick off at 1 p.m. Saturday at Cabarrus Brewing in Concord. 

Saturday's events will include several festivities and activities, including Ukrainian food, music and dance performances and sharing of wartime stories.

Cabarrus Brewing will also be releasing a limited batch of Ukrainian beer.