BOONE, N.C. — A recent land donation will make it possible for an Ashe County nonprofit to build a commissary to help surrounding counties.

What You Need To Know

  • Land was donated to Musicians Mission of Mercy

  • They are growing their compassionate commissary program

  • The program currently drops off food at 37 locations

Catherine Steele Massey spends two days a week alongside volunteers filling boxes.

“We go and get eight pallets of food, and we come back and break down the pallets, line it up on tables and they go into boxes,” Massey said.

Shelf-stable food is packed in the boxes and later distributed to several surrounding counties. Massey is the founder of Musicians Mission of Mercy, a nonprofit that started the Compassionate Commissary program.

She began the boxes to provide food in remote areas where people live with little-to-no food access. She leaves the boxes in over 30 locations spanning several counties.

Massey knows how recipients feel, because she, too, was a single mother who struggled to put food in the pantry.

“My children never went hungry, but I did, so I know that hopeless feeling,” Massey said.

She added the last two years of the program have seen fast growth, which is both good and bad. Bad, because it means there is an actual need for the program in the area. Good, because Massey knows how to help.

Massey said the needs are growing fast.

“More locations in Watauga County, Alleghany County, Ashe County is growing but Wilkes as well,” Massey said.

Recently, several acres of land were donated to the nonprofit to keep up with that demand through scaling. They’re using the land to build a large commissary.

“For one dollar a month,” Massey said.

Once the building is complete, they will be able to pack boxes, and allow people can come shop for free. She said they’re adding a coffee shop to help raise the money they need for the program.

“We’re going to have live music on the patio area,” Massey said.

Massey says they could always use more donations to help get as many boxes out as possible.