CHARLOTTE -- Carolina Panthers Quarterback Cam Newton was injured in a vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon.
The crash was reported just before 12:30 p.m. right outside of the Bank of America Stadium at S. Church and W. Hill Streets in uptown Charlotte.
In a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Panthers Director of Communications Charlie Dayton said Newton received two transverse fractures to his lower back from the accident.
Tony Douglas, one of the only witnesses at the scene, said a silver Buick pulled out in front of Newton's black pickup truck as he was driving down Church Street.
After the two vehicles collided, Douglas said Cam's truck flipped four times before landing on its side.
Medic crews loaded Newton onto a stretcher and transported him away from the scene in an ambulance. The other driver involved was also taken to the hospital with what police are calling non-life threatening injuries.
The Carolina Panthers Tweeted, "Cam Newton is in fair condition and undergoing tests at Carolinas Medical Center and will remain there overnight for observation."
News about Newton’s crash spread quickly on social media. Several teammates, opponents and other professional athletes hit Twitter to send their wishes.
Running back Jonathan Stewart, wrote: "Prayers up for my brother Cam!" Another Panthers running back, Fozzy Whittaker, wrote: "Praying for my bro Cam"
The Charlotte Hornets and Charlotte Knights also sent tweets: "Sending positive vibes your way, @CameronNewton! From all of us over here at the Hornets, we wish you the best."
“Thoughts & prayers to #panthers @cameronnewton from the entire #cltknights organization. #getwellcam
Stay with Time Warner Cable News for the latest on Newton's condition.