TEXAS — As the new school year gets underway in Texas, the debate over what books are appropriate for the classroom continues. Several Texas school districts recently have garnered national attention for removing certain books — including the Bible and the Diary of Anne Frank.

Conservative lawmakers say the removals are focused on books with obscene content that isn’t suitable for students. But critics say it’s just a form of book banning, and that removals disproportionately target books with LGBTQ or minority characters.  

“If books are removed that feature the lived experiences of children, they’re going to question their own value,” said Kerol Harrod, a Library and Information Studies instructor at Texas Woman’s University. “And also, education is like a puzzle. The more pieces you have, the clearer picture you have.”

Harrod adds that taking information away from students could prompt them to look elsewhere for answers, like the internet, which could expose them to truly inappropriate content. 

“If we don’t have trained professionals leading our children to quality sources of information, we’re forcing them to places like Google,” he said.

Harrod encourages parents who have concerns to go through the systems in place and talk with their librarians first. He also recommends reading the material to see if it’s really questionable.

“I’m a parent. I would say for concerned parents, 'Do your homework,'” said Harrod. “I could read you passages in the Song of Solomon in the Bible that would make you blush, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be banned.”

The debate is having an impact on Texas librarians, who often bear the brunt of the fighting.

“I’ve had friends who’ve had death threats,” he said. “Good, capable librarians are leaving the profession.”