AUSTIN, Texas — The Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees has proposed a $2.44 billion bond for voters to decide on in the November general election.  

According to the district, the 2022 bond will fund capital projects, such as repairing failing building systems, new facility construction and renovations, technology upgrades and other improvements.  

One campus that could see improvements to modernize its campus is Linder Elementary School.  

“Linder was established in 1972 and last year celebrated its 50th year,” Melissa Rodriguez, principal of Linder ES, said.  

Under the district’s proposal, it has earmarked Linder Elementary School for a $56,094,000 budget for improvements.  

“Schools in this area of town have not been modernized. I’m trying to think of schools on the top of the mind, but it’s been a long time since this school has been modernized,” she said.  

The bond would include funding to enhance safety and security upgrades, secure entry vestibules, open floor plan modifications, fences, keys and locks.  

“I think the biggest piece of it is the investment in safety and security,” Dr. Anthony Mays, interim superintendent of Austin ISD, said.  

Schools could see phased modernizations that also include athletic space improvements.  

“Whether it’s about security safety aspect of it or repairing damaged fields with the added lights and turfs to each and every high school campus,” he said.  

The bond would come with a one cent debt service tax rate increase, according to the district.  

The general election will take place on Nov. 8.