SAN ANTONIO – In regards to the vacancy left after the passing of Commissioner Paul Elizondo, Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff announced Justin Rodriguez would fill the position.

READ MORE | Bexar County Commissioner Paul Elizondo Dies at 83

In light of Elizondo’s health challenges, Wolff said he needed time to think about who might fill the position.

“First of all, I wanted someone who had the confidence of the citizens and voters of the county Commissioner of Precinct 2. Justin Rodriguez has certainly exemplified that in a very important way,” Wolff said.

Rodriguez is a Democratic member of the Texas House of Representatives and has served since 2013. He previously served on the San Antonio City Council and was a Bexar County prosecutor. He will step down from his current position to take over as the Precinct 2 Commissioner.

“This is not an opportunity I take lightly,” Rodriguez said, “As was mentioned. It’s impossible to fill the shoes of a giant like Elizondo, that’s just not going to be happening. I’m going to do my best to live up to his legacy.”

He added that the projects that were important to Elizondo will continue to be worked on, including San Pedro Creek and the Alamo theatre, as well as continuing to genuinely help people.

Rodriguez was sworn in by Judge Peter Sakai on Friday morning.