As Texas turns tech, San Antonio is leading the way in cybersecurity. One of the country's top cyber firms, Root9B, is expanding to downtown. Our Alese Underwood shows us how this move is expected to bring jobs to a booming industry.

As common place as a bus ride downtown, the cybersecurity industry is the new norm in San Antonio.

A sure sign of that? Root9B is moving in.

"They are a leading firm in the cybersecurity training area," said Mario Hernandez with the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation.

The Colorado-based company is expanding and making another home in the historic Tower Life Building.

Root9B Senior Vice-President Scott Myers says their target market is medium to large size businesses.

"They'll be programming, developing, reverse-engineering, malware, those types of things," he said.

But to get those types of things done on such a big scale, they need high-tech employees.

"Initially they'll have 40-50 jobs. We anticipate they'll grow quite a bit, possibly even doubling," said Hernandez.

"We employ some of the best experts in the field. They're high-paying positions," said Myers.

With such attractive offers, the Alamo City can provide the talent and long-term dedication because of its history.

"With the Air Force here, NSA Texas here. A lot of the people who have worked in that sector decide to stay in San Antonio, put down roots here," said Myers.

In addition to hiring those with military experience, Root9B is in prime position to seek out some of the country's best trained cybersecurity students.

"They can get the talent they need and also work closely with the University of Texas San Antonio and others that have special programs in information security," Hernandez said.

The company says right now they're on the hunt for fresh faces for internships and bright minds for business.

More than 80 companies in San Antonio are involved in cybersecurity.

Root9B hopes to open its new doors next month.


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