WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has been asked some blunt questions during his time in office but nothing approaching this.

“Mr President, after three and a half years, do you regret at all, all the lying you’ve done to the American people?” HuffPost White House correspondent SV Dáte asked at a briefing on Thursday.

Trump, appearing not to understand the question, asked, “What?”

“All the lying. All the dishonesties,” Dáte replied.

Trump ignored the question and moved on to another reporter.

Taking to Twitter shortly after the press conference, Dáte wrote, “For five years I’ve been wanting to ask him that.”

The exchange quickly caught fire on social media, generating millions of views by Friday morning. The Washington Post claims that the president has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims while in office, increasingly in the last 14 months. Speaking to the Guardian, Dáte said he asked the question because it was his first opportunity to do so. He also said he is confident he’ll be allowed in again and would repeat the question if given the opportunity to do so.