COLUMBUS — Ed Calo knows all too well what it’s like to coach a team to the state championship.
“It’s a journey, it’s long seasons you have to keep on growing, keep getting better, try to peak at the right time,” said Ed Calo, head boys' basketball coach at Westerville South High School.
“It takes great players and a really good coaching staff to put it all together because it’s more than just having talent. You have to make sure that you maximize the talent,” Ed Calo said.
Ed Calo’s been coaching for over 35 seasons and was the head coach at Westerville South when they won the state championship game in 2016. Now, his son Anthony Calo is following in his footsteps coaching for Olentangy Orange, who’s set to play in the state championship game.
“Year 13 as a head coach I remember when my dad made it in 2016 at Westerville south everyone congratulating my dad felt like they had to tell me ‘Hey you’ll get there, we’re excited to see you there, it’ll be soon’ and I’m thinking that’s never gonna happen, that’s a pipe dream but here were are nine years later,” said Anthony Calo, head boys basketball coach at Olentangy Orange High School.
Anthony said he’s always looked up to his father and admires the way he coaches.
“When he won state in 2016, I remember how emotional I was that year just so excited for him that he got that payoff so it’ll be full circle now trying to do that ourselves,” said Anthony Calo.
Ed Calo is happy to see his son get to this point.
“It’s a little nerve racking, but it’s really exciting to watch him do his own thing, and develop his team, take them where they need to go so it’s been a great ride,” Ed Calo said.
Ed Calo said he doesn’t pay too much attention to if their coaching styles are similar.
“He does his own thing. We’re both pretty enthusiastic, pretty emotional people, but he’s put his own stamp on things,” Ed Calo said.
“Both passionate, both work extremely hard, both prepare really well. He definitely taught me the value of preparation,” Anthony Calo said.
Ed Calo said he’s proud of his son, that he’s watched Anthony grow up in the gym and knows he’s ready to take on the challenge in front of him.