10 days across America with Front Porch Politics
Tim Boyum travels to 14 states to talk with everyday Americans and gauge the mood of voters.
Tim Boyum travels to 14 states to talk with everyday Americans and gauge the mood of voters.
Front Porch Politics Host Tim Boyum took to the road earlier this month on a 10-day journey to talk to everyday voters about election issues.
Join Front Porch Politics host Tim Boyum as he treks across the country in an EV, meeting voters and listening to the issues.
Tim wraps up his cross-country EV trip.
Host Tim Boyum attempts a cross-country trip in an electric vehicle.
Host Tim Boyum attempts a cross-country trip in an electric vehicle.
Host Tim Boyum attempts a cross-country trip in an electric vehicle.
Host Tim Boyum attempts a cross-country trip in an electric vehicle.
Host Tim Boyum attempts a cross-country trip in an electric vehicle.
Host Tim Boyum attempts a cross-country trip in an electric vehicle.