ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo.—As spring weather teases Missouri this week, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) detailed where they stood on various projects for 2025. Currently, MoDOT has over one hundred projects across the St. Louis region totaling near $1.7 billion and many will affect many drivers’ daily routes.

What You Need To Know

  • Currently, MoDOT has over one hundred projects across the St. Louis region totaling near $1.7 billion and will affect many drivers’ daily routes

  • Over one-third of the funds come from a $600 million investment by the state legislature for the Improve I-70 Design-Build Project Stage Two which adds a lane in each direction of I-70 between Warrenton and Wentzville

  • 90% of those projects is work to rehabilitate bridges, rebuild sidewalks, rebuild traffic signals, resurface roadways and other safety improvements

  • In a press conference, MoDOT highlighted work being done to I-70, I-64, I-55, I-270, and Route 67

“Ninety percent of those projects are taking care of the existing transportation corridors,” said Tom Blair, District Engineer for MoDOT. “That’s work like rehabilitating bridges, rebuilding sidewalks, rebuilding traffic signals, resurfacing roadways and other construction to ensure roadways remain safe for all users for the foreseeable future.”

Over one-third of the funds come from a $600 million investment by the state legislature for the Improve I-70 Design-Build Project which adds a lane in each direction of I-70 between Warrenton and Wentzville.

MoDOT highlighted eight projects during the Monday morning press conference.

I-55 bridge and pavement improvements

I-55 driving surfaces of several bridges between I-44 and River Des Peres are being replaced or rehabilitated. As crews work, drivers should expect lane shifts and closures. They’ll also repave portions of the interstate and associated interchange while completing bridge work. This project is expected to conclude by the end of 2025.

I-55 Corridor Upgrades in Jefferson County

MoDOT is in its second year of construction of a three-year design-build project to add a third lane for eight miles of I-55. That additional third lane will be between Route 67 and the Route Z interchange in Pevely. During this time, multiple intersection improvements will be made to Route Z, McNutt, and the U.S. Route 67 interchanges. The Route A interchange will see minor work. Blair expect this project to be complete at the end of 2026.

I-64 over Missouri River, Boone Bridge rehabilitation

MoDOT will close and shift lanes this Spring for I-64 traffic at the Missouri River while they rehabilitate the westbound Boone Bridge over the Missouri River. A lane in each direction of I-64 will be closed and MoDOT will shift two lanes of westbound traffic to the eastbound bridge. They expect the project to wrap up early in 2026.

I-64 outer road Dardenne Creek bridge replacement

The outer road will be closed from when MoDOT begins replacing the (Technology Drive) outer road bridge over Dardenne Creek this summer until it’s completed in 2026.

Improve I-70 Project #2 Design Build project: Warrenton to Wentzville

MoDOT is going to widen I-70 from Route 47 in Warrenton to the St. Charles County multi-interchange of I-70, I-64, U.S. 40, and U.S. 61. The roadway from Wentzville Parkway to Route Z will be realigned to reduce the curve and replace the railroad bridge. The multi-interchange will see updates and the stretch of I-64 between I-70 and route K will be widened. I-70 and Route W’s traffic flow will be improved for the present and future when MoDOT constructs a “divergeabout.” This project is expected to conclude in 2028.

I-270 at Riverview

MoDOT and the Illinois Department of Transportation are teaming up to improve the I-270 Chain of Rocks bridge across the Mississippi River. MoDOT crews will put in a new diamond interchange is being put in at I-270 and Route H (Riverview) and will soon tear down the old I-270 bridge over Riverview. They aim for completion in December 2026.

I-270 bridge replacement

MoDOT continues to replace the I-270 bridge over Conway, north of the I-64 interchange and widen the driving surface of the I-270 bridge over Ladue Road.

“We’re doing this one lane at a time,” said Blair. “This is the most heavily traveled section of interstate in the state of Missouri.”

He adds that they intend on this project to be completed by the end of the year.

Route 61/67 Lindbergh improvements

MoDOT is resurfacing Lindbergh from Swan Drive in Kirkwood to Page Avenue in Maryland Heights and adding numerous improvements. They’ll update signals and sidewalks to meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. For a two month stretch, Lindbergh will be closed in both directions around Deer Creek as MODOT replaces a bridge. That closure is projected to start just after Memorial Day. Right now, the left turn lane from Lindbergh to German is closed allowing utility crews to relocate two gas lines.

As road construction is certain to cause some delays frustration, and Narrow were lanes, MoDOT hopes you’ll drive responsibly.

“When you’re out there driving, please pay attention to speed limits especially when you’re going through work zones,” said Blair. “We put great effort into trying to keep everyone safe. Also, we ask you to wear your seatbelt and when you’re driving, please put down your phone and pay attention.”

More information is available about MoDOT projects on their website.

MoDOT provided maps of planned work by county as well.