JAMESTOWN, N.Y. — About a dozen students, ranging from grade 3-6, are heading to the gym as part of SUNY JCC's Kids College 2.0, which is now offering monthly interactive sessions on a variety of topics.
Exercise, nutrition and relaxation are all part of the agenda. Allison Williams, 8, is among those students warming up.
"I've always dreamt of going to college. I think it was really, really fun because it was healthy and I enjoyed most of the things we did," said Williams.
She, along with 10-year-old Keaton Brown and others, are dividing into teams for a spirited game of Fitness Jeopardy.
"Really fun, because I like P.E. and physical education and stuff. So, you can stay fit. And so you could do daily stuff that requires like strength, balance and flexibility," said Brown.
From there, it was time for a lesson in nutrition.
"You need to eat healthy or you could get sick. Vegetables, fruit, grains, protein and dairy. You have to eat all of them," said Brown.
Each table is working to identify healthy food options, creating a well-rounded plate for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
"Eat the rainbow. It's best to have all the different colors. So you don't get sick and you get more energy," said Williams.
Each theme allows students to explore new experiences outside their regular classroom. It also allows SUNY leaders to create relationships with them at an early age, with the hope they consider community college in the future.
"There's always a need for the community college to engage with its local communities and offer what is needed in the community, so it's really working with community members to identify what are those needs - what are the challenges, what are the areas of opportunity and then looking to take advantage of those," said Crystal Rose-Williams, interim vice president of student experience.
Williams and Brown say that they would recommend Kids College to their friends.
"It really, really helps them grow and learn stuff," said Williams.
"It's pretty fun, you learn a lot and there's a lot of fun stuff you don't get to do in school that much," said Brown.
The class of 2025 wraps up the semester in June.
Registration has closed for the remainder of the current session, but there is a place to sign up on the waitlist.