One of the region's most challenging and longest running road races is just about a month away in Syracuse.

The 45th edition of the Mountain Goat 10-mile run is scheduled for Sunday, May 7.  The race has been known as one of the most challenging, yet fun races, as it's filled with spectators and entertainment.

If the 10-mile course is a little long for you, you can grab a friend and try the two-person relay, which allows participants to run 5 miles each. After conquering the rolling hills of Syracuse while getting some breathtaking views, you can enjoy a fun post-race party in Clinton Square.

Experts said Saturday training runs will help you get ready for the challenge.

"These training runs kind of break up our actual race course and get people out there running together at different paces, different skill levels, different ages, and it just allows them, to give them the confidence they need to go out and do it on race day," said Mountain Goat Run Race Director Pat Stagnitta.

"We've got so many running groups in the community that support the Mountain Goat, and get their group training for the Mountain Goat, which is a real symbol of what the Mountain Goat's all about. It's about our community and how people embrace it," said Mountain Goat Run Board President Rosemarie Nelson.

If you sign up for the May 7 race, you'll automatically be entered in a series of raffles for a chance to win some prizes. The day will also include a Kids Run and a new Kids Corner at the finish line.