As some kids head back to school fully in-person, doctors at Rochester Regional Health shared some tips for parents to keep their children as safe as possible. 

Doctors say parents should keep their kids home if they show any COVID-like symptoms. Families should continue filling out daily health assessments for their children. 

Outside of school, kids should continue to wear masks when at after-school activities. Currently, only the Pfizer vaccine is approved for those aged 16 or older. 

RRH tells Spectrum News it's strongly recommending teenagers get vaccinated as soon as possible. 

"It provides an extra layer of reassurance for yourself. We know that especially teenagers can be asymptomnatic carriers of this and having the vaccine helps reduce their risk of being an asymptomnatic carriers, passing that on to someone else," said Dr. Steven Schultz, a pediatrician at RRH.

Parents should also keep their children up-to-date on routine vaccinations like measles.