Libraries across the Rochester-area are showing people how to stay connected and busy while we’re at home, updating its library goers through social media.

So follow your local libraries on Facebook- that will help.

The Greece Public Library is hosting virtual books clubs. Your kids can watch videos with Miss Jen.

Additionally, libraries are hosting story time, and you can find authors all over the country live reading their books over the internet.

Let’s swing to the other side of Monroe County.

In Webster, the library was running a drive up pick up service that was really popular, but now is suspended because of further national and local restrictions.  So online, the library is still offering story time and puppet shows through its YouTube channel.

Librarians have posted how to download and read your favorite books, magazines, and movies for free. Most libraries have also suspended overdue fines and the books that you currently have out are not due back until mid-May.

Webster Town Librarian Terri Bennett says the library will always be a resource for residents, even if it’s not person to person.

“We’re going to get through it. We’re getting through it together,” Bennett said. “The messages that we received on Facebook when we were doing our pick up were incredible.  There is a lot of love for the public for the community and the library is a part of that.”