Dutchess County just joined a new club that will save local shoppers money and possibly lure new consumers to the area.

As of Tuesday, the New York state 4% sales tax will no longer apply to clothes, shoes and materials needed to make clothes bought from Dutchess County businesses.

Any item that costs more than $110 will not be exempt from the tax, per state regulations.

Dutchess County is now one of eight counties outside of New York City to be allowed the exemption.

“I try to shop local as much as I can, especially for clothing,” a shopper in Fishkill said Monday upon learning about the change. “Most of what I’ve got on is local.”

Until now, outfitting a family of five in winter gear could cost $50 less in a nearby state or city that already has a clothing tax exemption, or has no tax at all.

Shoppers said that for clothes shopping, they would often travel to New Jersey or Danbury, Connecticut to save under those communities’ tax exemptions.

“This sales tax exemption helps people hang on to their hard-earned money, and also makes Dutchess County an even more attractive shopping destination for visitors,” Dutchess County Legislature Chairman Gregg Pulver said in a statement. “We have worked hard to make smart, conservative fiscal decisions over the years so we can keep providing savings to our citizens.”

The tax exemption will be in effect until 2033, according to the county executive’s office.