Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced a plan to remove what he calls barriers to voter registration.

On Monday, he announced a plan to enact early voting and automatic voter registration laws. The so-called Democracy Project would allow New Yorkers to cast ballots up to 12 days before election day, "because we should do everything we can to actually get people to vote," Cuomo said during his State Of the State address.

Republican Assemblyman Karl Brabenec strongly opposes the plan, which he says will give voters less time to learn about candidates.

"A lot of voters may make uninformed decisions on candidates, and that could be very bad for democracy, putting the wrong people in office," Brabenec said.

The plan also includes automatic and same-day registration, which Cuomo hopes will increase voter participation and accuracy within the voting process.

Brabenec says there will be financial ramifications for taxpayers.

"The cost outweighs the benefits," he said, "because you'll have to hire a lot more poll workers and inspectors to actually do the early voting."

Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus, a Republican, shares those financial concerns, but otherwise supports any effort to increase voter turnout.

"As long as you're a U.S. citizen, you should be entitled to vote," Neuhaus said. "And any way we can encourage people to vote and improve voter turnout, I'm supportive of it."

Currently, New York is one of only 13 states where early voting is not available.