SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- It's that time again where we put our Iris St. Meran on the case to find answers to your questions. Recently, a Syracuse resident came to us with concerns about sanitation workers on trash day.
A viewer contacted us concerned that on trash day sanitation crews throw garbage cans to the ground after they dump it in the truck. The viewer wanted to remain anonymous but lives on the city's North Side. He said it happens often and it's damaging the garbage cans and recycling bins.
He sent in a picture. It doesn't actually show the can being thrown, but on the ground. Neighbors pay for their own garbage cans and recycling bins and his costs about $30. He's upset that he has to replace it after he says this particular crew damages them.
Syracuse DPW Commissioner Pete O'Connor said this shouldn't happen and he will talk to all the sanitation workers reinforcing the department's policies on trash pickup. Basically, your cans and bins should be put back how and where you left them.
"We want to help keep the city clean. We don't want to be causing more damage to other people's private property. We don't want to make the city dirtier after we collect your trash. Our goal is to make it cleaner. Obviously, we don't want to destroy your property," said Pete O'Connor, Syracuse DPW Commissioner.
If you have complaints like this for the DPW you can call them to register a complaint: (315) 448-CITY (2489). And O'Connor says if it's not addressed he wants to hear from you personally - you can contact his secretary.