You may have heard a boom across Central New York Wednesday afternoon.

According to the American Meteor Society, it was a sonic boom caused by a meteor passing through the atmosphere. 

The AMS said reports of a fireball came from Canada, southern Pennsylvania, and even Washington, D.C., but no one saw it around here because it was too cloudy.

Robert Lunsford, the fireball report coordinator at AMS, said the meteor was likely the size of a small car.

“Unfortunately with this cloud cover, we’re not going to have a good trajectory of this one," he said. "Because what it’s showing right now is that it passed over Rochester but that’s just not right because all the sounds are coming from the Syracuse area so we know that the trajectory was much closer to Syracuse than to Rochester.” 

Lunsford said due to the sonic boom, there’s a good indication that pieces of the meteor may have landed on Earth.