On the commute to work, you are likely seeing a plethora of political signs these days, many about Proposition 1, or the Equal Rights Amendment, which will appear on the back of New York ballots across the state.

The signs urging voters to “Vote No on Prop 1” claim that, if passed, it will erode parents’ rights and allow illegal immigrants to vote. At the other end of the political spectrum, advocates for a “yes” vote on Proposition 1 argue it will enshrine abortion rights into the state Constitution, and prohibit discrimination by the government regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, pregnancy status, disability status or gender expression. 


On Monday, Capital Tonight spoke with two guests with different perspectives on the amendment.

Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, is a proponent of the Equal Rights Amendment. Attorney and former U.S. Rep. John Faso, who also served as the Assembly minority leader and ran for comptroller and governor of New York, is a critic of the amendment. They spoke with Capital Tonight host Susan Arbetter in two separate interviews.