A bill sponsored by Rochester Democratic state Assemblymember Harry Bronson and state Sen. Samra Brouk would allow creative arts therapists to directly bill Medicaid, expanding access to low-income New Yorkers, is waiting to be delivered to the governor for her signature or veto. Brouk said these therapists provide a connection to therapy that might not be possible for people in traditional talk therapy.

Creative arts therapists are licensed and trained professionals who use arts and other methods to help connect with patients who might otherwise not connect through talk therapy. Brouk, who chairs the state Senate Mental Health Committee, says this can be especially important for refugee or immigrant communities where there may be a language barrier.

The legislation would put creative arts therapists on the same funding footing as their mental health counterparts like family and individual therapists.

The bill passed both houses of the Legislature and has not yet been delivered to the governor. Once delivered, the governor will have 10 days, excluding Sundays, to either sign or veto the legislation.