According to President-elect Joe Biden’s rescue plan, New York is slated to receive $50 billion in aid.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is praising the plan, stating New York will need help after the pandemic.

It will help with long-term needs, for businesses, unemployed workers, education, and mass transit — all affected by the coronavirus.

Schumer says the most important part of this plan is the allocation of funds to state and local government. This is something the previous plan did not have, and something he says he is willing to fight for.

"This is a very good plan for New York. We need the help, probably more than any other state,” Schumer said. “Senator Gillibrand and I are going to fight very hard for this plan. There are so many needs and this plan covers those needs."

Along with ramping up COVID-19 vaccinations, Biden’s plan will allow the state to hire over 100,000 workers to administer those vaccines.