State Assembly Member Kimberly Jean-Pierre, from Suffolk County, has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. Jean-Pierre becomes the third state assembly member to be positive for the virus.
Jean-Pierre was up in Albany on Wednesday to vote, but according to the press release from Assembly Speaker Carl Heatie, she also took the test the same day. Those who do take the test are advised to quarantine themselves until the test comes back negative.
According to a press release, Jean-Pierre took the test after learning a family member fell ill. The release claims she had no contact with any staff or other members.
Jean-Pierre voted Wednesday on the paid sick leave legislation where only 15 members were allowed in the chamber at a time. Some Assembly members and staff say they are still concerned.
Assembly Member Pat Fahy said although there is most likely no session for the rest of the week, she understands how important her role as a legislator is at this time. She says she will continue to work at passing a complete budget.
"My office, 90 percent are working remotely and they are working as hard as ever," Fahy explained. "So we are trying to take all precautions. But that said, I recognize this is a game of odds and many of us are going to come up short on that."
Also as the nation’s economy continues to dip, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced businesses and residents directly affected by the novel coronavirus can have their mortgage payments postponed for the next 90 days, with possible extensions after that. There will be no negative reporting to credit bureaus and foreclosures will be suspended during that time.
Additionally, state-chartered banks have been ordered to waive ATM fees, late fees, overdraft fees, and fees for credit cards.